.. _cmdline: ********************** Command-line utilities ********************** Starting with version 0.6.6, ``crystals`` includes command-line utilities for repetitive tasks. To see the available commands on your system: .. code:: bash crystals --help Crystal information ------------------- The most important command-line utility is the crystallographic information script, ``crystals info``. To show information about a crystal file (``vo2.cif``, for example): .. code:: bash crystals info vo2.cif ``crystals`` is smart about inputs. You can let it guess. For example, the Crystallographic Open Database entry for Bismuth is 5000215. You can look at the crystallographic information as follows: .. code:: bash crystals info 5000215 or, more precisely: .. code:: bash crystals info 5000215 --type cod See ``crystals info --help`` for more details.